1. Please open in Chrome for best results.
2. We will respond within 6 working days (excluding holidays) beginning from when we receive your feedback. Thank you for your patience.
3. For security reasons, we will be sending a confirmation text to the provided mobile phone number to verify your identity.
4. In order to process passenger feedback, we collect the personal information you provide in this form (under category C001-Individual Identification) as a necessary step in the feedback process. This information is used and retained from the day you fill in and send out this form to the day your case is closed. All personal information collected is stored in both electronic and printed form on our premises only, for processing and record-keeping purposes. If you choose not to provide this information, please be aware that we will not be able to reply to you. You have the right to search, review, reproduce (subject to handling fees), add to, correct, halt process or usage, and delete your personal information. By using this feedback form, you acknowledge that you have read the above notice and agree to us collecting and using your personal information.
5. As per company regulations, the Customer Service Department will not process any complaints regarding internal affairs or non-passenger service matters.